PSNI Rural & Wildlife Crime Lead Superintendent Johnston McDowell & PSNI Wildlife Officer Emma Meredith launch Operation Subrision 10/05/23
As part of the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s ongoing commitment to combat Rural and Wildlife Crime, PSNI will be raising awareness of crime prevention measures during a five-week long policing operation, running from Wednesday 10th May – Sunday 18th June.
The operation titled Operation Subrision, will ensure that resources are deployed across all districts in Northern Ireland to deter and detect rural and wildlife crime, with a dedicated policing strategy in place.
Police Service of Northern Ireland’s Rural and Wildlife Crime Lead Superintendent Johnston McDowell said: “In May, we traditionally see an increase in related rural and wildlife crime reporting, as rural activity gathers momentum, with the return of the much-anticipated Balmoral Show.
“As people spend more time in rural areas, criminals seek to exploit the increased opportunities for related criminality, targeting properties by way of distraction burglaries and even cold calling.
“The Police Service is committed to tackling, disrupting and preventing rural and wildlife crime, and officers have spent a considerable amount of time listening, understanding and working with those living in rural areas to identify local concerns.
“Police want to work towards reducing opportunities for these types of crimes by increasing public awareness, working with other partner agencies to identify ways of preventing crime, and targeting and arresting those committing such offences.
‘We have significant officers working rural beats and focusing on rural and wildlife crimes; every ward across Northern Ireland including all rural wards, have an identified and named Neighbourhood officer allocated.
“Maintaining and improving our visible police patrols will provide an effective response to calls for help within rural areas, and officers will also continue to attend farming and rural events to provide crime prevention advice and distribute appropriate literature.
“We hope this focus demonstrates our commitment to addressing rural and wildlife crime, and I would ask for the continued support of rural communities as we move forward.”
Police Service of Northern Ireland’s Wildlife Officer Emma Meredith added: “Crimes against wildlife take many forms including, but not limited to; badger baiting, poaching, the illegal killing of birds of prey through poisoning, trapping or shooting, bat disturbance and the trading in endangered species.
“What may be seen as a rural and isolated crime can often be barbaric and part of a more serious organised crime, where perpetrators can even make money at the suffering of many wild animals.
“If you’re passionate about protecting the wildlife where you live, we need you to be our eyes and ears over the coming weeks and months and report any suspicious activity to us.”
If you have any information about Rural or Wildlife Crime or believe you have witnessed a crime taking place contact us on 101. If a crime is in progress, always dial 999.
More information can be found here: www.psni.police.uk/ruralcrime