“Illegal wildlife trafficking is one of the world’s top criminal activities—ranked alongside drugs, arms, and human trafficking. The violent international crime syndicates running this trade are lining their pockets with billions of dollars, while they slaughter animals at rates never seen before, threaten lives, and even impact global security. To build awareness of this crisis, WWF is launching a five-part original online series, STOP WILDLIFE CRIME: THE SERIES. New episodes will show every Sunday in September at 7 pm, EDT on the WWF YouTube channel YOUTUBE.COM/WWFUS. This series gives viewers a big-picture look at wildlife crime and tells them what they can do to help.”
Source: WWF
To see the first video – “It’s Dead Serious” – click HERE.
To see the second video – “Elephants” – click HERE.
To see the third video – “Tigers” – click HERE.